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extreme findom feat astrodomina

Today I m feeling extra cruel and greedy, so you had better be ready to afford this session!

Goddess Sydney knows you ve been following her for a while. She knows you have an intense love of financial domination, but so far you ve only dabbled in it. But today is going to be different. She has a really fun game to play with you, but you had better be ready to SPEND! There s a few things first she s going to have you do to get started, so that she has proper control over you. There s going to be consequences if you don t pay up. So do what she tells you and get your finger on the tribute button.

During this game, she s going to make you have one hand on your cock and the other on whatever app or method you use to tribute. She will start with a small tribute amount, maybe just a hundred dollars. But you re going to watch her hand and every single time she snaps her fingers, the amount of tribute is going to increase and the amount will appear on the screen. You re going to

  • 00:08:58
  • Oct 25, 2024
  • 41

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