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breaking me?! (part 6)

Turns out, that if you worship my helpless soles and pussy enough, I can turn into a submissive “good girl!?”

Especially when that insane clit worship toy get’s held right on my aching clit! (Seriously, this thing like totally and completely suck/fucks a clit immaculately!!)

I still enjoy the wet, warm, loving sensation of a teasing tongue gliding over my throbbing button more, but the way this little vibrator sucks my clit makes my eyes wanna roll back in my head!!

I’m not actually THAT embarrassed about turning into a hot, moaning mess like this… Why feel ashamed when something feels SO good right? Besides, with being on the dominant end so much, I know that “good boys” get rewarded, which means “good girls” like me also get rewarded too!

And having been such a good girl, equip with such pretty, wrinkled soles, I had been more than good enough to get the pussy pounding reward that I was about to get…

To Be Continued!

Xoxo -Gwen 😛🤯

  • 00:22:30
  • Oct 25, 2024
  • 26

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