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taken: myles (part 2)

I ve always been infatuated with my husband s cock... Ever since the first time I saw him hard, I was like Oh, wow, he has a really big and pretty penis!

But it wasn t until I started strapping him down like this, learning how insanely sensitive every inch of him is, and how much he was born to be my toy, that I realized just HOW addicted to his cock I really am!

I like to try and challenge myself when I have him helpless like this... See how long I can go without getting my lips around his dick, just utterly destroy him until he s losing his fucking mind, BEGGING me to touch his cock... But it s the fucking sounds he makes! They re just too hot to ignore!

Looks like I failed my challenge... All well, cutting his boxers off his sexy, helpless body made the failure all worth while! Now to devour that big, pretty penis of his...

-Gwen 🫦

  • 00:08:52
  • Oct 25, 2024
  • 23

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