Loosey Lu is chilling on the couch when her roommate, Diaperperv, throws a pair of yoga pants with a wet spot on the crotch area. Loosey denies that they are hers & also hiding them in the hamper, getting pee on all the other clothes. D-Perv has a diaper bag & pulls out a blanket which she puts on the floor. She wants Loosey to lie down & then she pulls out a huge adult diaper! Loosey tries protesting but D-Perv puts a pacifier gag on her so she ll shut up. She takes off her bottoms & slides a diaper underneath her, wipes, powder and tapes it up. Loosey is pissed! Mitts and bonnet is next. She must wear this diaper all day but she insists she won t wet it. Cuts to Loosey trying to funtion with the mitts & D-Perv surprise diaper checking her through the day. Now it s wet! Outside, Loosey is cleaning & she realizes she needs to go Number 2. She begs permission to use the toilet for messing while struggling to hold her backside.