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my step dad slammed mrs. holly!

You wouldn t believe what happened today at school. I was misbehaving as usual, but today it seems i must of hit a boiling point with my teacher because she made me stay after school. She told me that she couldn t take it anymore and that she called my step father to have a confrence with him. She even went far enough to make me write on the chalkboard, i will behave. I was pissed at her and called her a bitch... what a mistake. I havent been spanked since i was six and she made me feel like a little but not in a good way. What was more embarressing was my step dad walked in the middle of the whole thing. My step dad and Mrs. Holly talked it out and eventually came to a conclusion. The only way i dont expelled is if my step dad FUCKS Mrs. Holly!

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 06, 2007
  • 185


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