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danielle s bang bus experience

What s up guys it s me Preston here with another funny episode of the Bang Bus. This time I went with my homeboy Smokey going around the beach looking for some hot girls. We went everywhere and we found this beautiful girl named Danielle. She is so fine, and her cute body is just amazing. So we offer her ice cream which by the way, Smokey ate like four of those. So we picked her up; she was pretty fun and adventurous because she thought twice about hanging out with us. So we hanged out, and then we gave her 300 dollars to fool around with a homeboy of ours named Shaggy, who is the funniest looking character alive. So we picked up Shaggy, and then this girl started fooling around with him; she thought Shaggy was a virgin, which was pretty funny. So we convinced Danielle to play with Shaggy s dick, but from there she jumped over Shaggy and started riding him good! So check out Shaggy and Danielle getting it on in this crazy and funny video. I swear this is one of the funniest shit I have ever done. -Preston Parker

  • 00:00:00
  • Jul 08, 2008
  • 241


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