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power device stimulation leads to steady boner

Elegantly dressed in a black leather corsage, Miss Yara stands behind a couch. On it lies her slave Dog, who is fixed with red ropes and can no longer free himself.

The mistress unabashedly exploits this helplessness. She calmly attaches two electrodes directly to the penis. One at the bottom of the shaft, the other directly under the glans.

Then the power device, a classic ErosTek ET312B device, whose upper limit Miss Yara has never reached before, is switched on. Then the current is turned on. Gentle waves flow through the cock, which already begins to twitch.

However, that was not all for a long time. Now two more electrodes are attached. Adhesive electrodes that include the balls. Once these are also connected, the mistress can control both individually.

And she enjoys that now very much. More and more current flows through the slave s cock and the pain becomes greater and greater. Miss Yara visibly enjoys the suffering. Her goal is also clear from the b

  • 00:05:18
  • Oct 21, 2024
  • 48

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