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family therapist fucks nympho teen skylar vox on counseling couch gp2077

The step mother and father of Skylar Vox, a young horny teen, has been sent to see John Strong, the familys therapist, for being a nymphomaniac. As Mr. Strong attempts to zero in on the problem at hand at the beginning of their first therapy session, Skylar lays down on the counseling couch, opens her legs, starts fingering herself, and begins encouraging him to fuck her. At first, Mr. Strong stays strong, claiming hes a professional and that he could never fuck one of his clients. But the charade doesnt last long Shortly thereafter Skylar has cock down her throat. After fucking the young, blonde teen in several positions, the therapy session ends when Mr. Strong fills Skylars mouth with cum.

  • 00:31:07
  • Oct 23, 2021
  • 1490


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