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my husband loses a bet and becomes a cuckold

When I married my husband he was motivated, fit, and had an amazing body. Over the years he s become complacent and has a total DAD BOD. He is constantly eating junk food, doesn t go to the gym, and is really letting himself go. One day I am finally fed up with his lack of self control and give him a proposal. He quits eating junk food, and I ll quit vaping. This is so important to me that I tie an additional caveat to the deal. If he can t stick to it, I get to fuck anyone I want, and vice versa. It didn t even take one day, and I catch him eating junk food after I cleaned out the entire house of it. So, as promised, I find some one to fuck. I pick my personal trainer, invite him to my house, and make my husband watch through the whole thing. He fucks me hard in my husband s favorite place, the kitchen, and then all over the rest of the house. Eventually after taking his fat cock I cum all over it, and he cums in me, all while my fat slob of a husband watches. He reaped what he sewed.

  • 00:19:14
  • Oct 18, 2024
  • 68

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