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spanked for masturbating - face

I caught Lili lying in my bed and masturbating although I prohibited her strictly to touch herself for the next two weeks! She obviously coulndn t withstand her lechery and fingered her sweet, wet pussy.
I had to give her a strict caning in doggy style position to remind her that doing as her master says is always the better idea... I also gave her 5 weeks of orgasm-abstinence as additional treatment for her unruly behaviour.
I hope, she learned her lesson!
This is the faceangle.
I caught Lili lying in my bed and masturbating although I prohibited her strictly to touch herself for the next two weeks! She obviously coulndn t withstand her lechery and fingered her sweet, wet pussy.
I had to give her a strict caning in doggy style position to remind her that doing as her master says is always the better idea... I also gave her 5 weeks of orgasm-abstinence as additional treatment for her unruly behaviour.
I hope, she learned her lesson!
This is the faceangle.

  • 00:16:28
  • Jul 19, 2022
  • 20


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