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Nothing amuses me more than these downtown house calls. When we got to the house, we were welcomed by about a dozen horny girls crowded into a small living room. As we got the show going, we figured everyone was a little more than we could handle! As soon as we started, none of the girls could stay in their seats. I didn t know if we had brought enough guys to satisfy them, considering we couldn t keep these girls in their seats. Once the guys got started, these chicks were all over my homies, like flies on honey: groping, licking and sucking at any chance available. By the end of the show, both the guys got tipped... one by fucking the birthday girl and the other blown by her best friend. She practically sucked their dicks right off! Enjoy the show!

  • 01:12:27
  • Sep 06, 2011
  • 1150


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