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olivia and dana

This week we bring you two sexy Latinas, Olivia O Lovely and Dana Vespoli. Alex was the lucky fuck that got to sex it up with these horny hotties. He got the best of both worlds this time. Olivia is a voluptuous beauty with huge tits and a matching ass. Dana is petite with perky tits and a shapely ass. These girls were good. They ate each others pussys, sucked each others tits, took turns giving Alex a blow job, and while one was getting fucked the other was always helping out is some way. There s never a dull moment in this moment. Personally, I liked it at the end when the girls lick cum off of each others faces. You ll see what I mean when you watch the film.

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 12, 2006
  • 246


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