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41 full massage with bonus bj/fuck - allura skye

I know my recent full length videos are all around an hour, but I want to show as much of the slow build up to getting the woman fully aroused as I can.

A Very sexy Milf, Allura Skye, was sent to me by her friends and wanted a massage video for herself. One of the most responsive women I have massaged. There wasn t a part of her body she didn t want to have my hands on.

She had told me she wanted to know if she could squirt and together we found out the answer, YES SHE CAN!

I lost track of how many orgasms she had, but she came hard over and over, very intense orgasms.

Even though we had talked about her giving me a hand job after I gave her the massage she didn t. Instead she took my cock in her mouth and then told me she wanted to fuck. After she came again a few times during the sex she opened her mouth for my cum

Teens are great in so many ways, but MILFs really know what they want. Once they get turned out they aren t afraid to say what they need

  • 00:58:26
  • Oct 17, 2024
  • 67

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