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all up in eden’s garden

whats up fuckers, the bangbus is back this week and we found a nice unsuspecting girl to fuck on the bus, we pulled up to Eden and told her we were part of a game show that pays people money to do random dumb shit. of course this dumb bitch bought it and was totally game to play. after about $150 worth of her doing trivial bullshit we got to the good stuff. we offered her $500 come in the van ride along with us and show off her cutter. she said no and walked away. BUT money talks and she came right back and agreed. GOT YA! Eden had a nice tight pussy and it turns out she isn’t from around here. which is great because she would of recognized the bus had she been from Miami.

  • 00:49:39
  • Jun 28, 2016
  • 237


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