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late night facial: part 1

I am more than a little agitated sitting on my couch, waiting for my friend to finally show up. He promised we would have a little fun but now it is almost time for me to head to bed and he only just walked in the door. I thought I was getting a few hours of dick-sucking fun, but now it is going to have to be quick and dirty! My robe is tossed to the side as I slide off the couch to kneel at his feet. At least he has a nice-sized dick to fill my throat up! I waste no time working my blowjob magic. Bobbing my head as I try to take him all the way down my throat. I can tell he enjoys the small gag I have as I tighten my throat around his cock. When I bring my hand into the mix giving it my signature twist as I stroke, I know it is only a matter of time before he blows his massive load all over my face. It is a lot, and it feels like he is coming for so long, I am completely glazed!

  • 00:20:50
  • Oct 22, 2024
  • 58

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