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omorashi audio messing and peeing my leotards

You receive a frantic phone call from your GF when she realizes she should ve gone pee after her yoga class but the line was too long. She s walking home now, wearing fullback panties, leggings and then a white thong leotard trying to NOT piss her pants. It s even worse as she tells you how her tummy started hurting & she realized she didn t go #2 this morning. She can feel so much bladder and bowel pressure... oops, some piss leaked out into her leotards! So embarrassing as she hobbles down the street. Stay on the phone with her, she s almost home! She describes every second of this excruciating ordeal but she can t hold her pee any longer & it s gushing out of her leotard crotch & streaming down both legs. Oh no, her tummy is hurting and the HUGE turd just slips out into her panties. It s showing a large bulge in her leotards. She gets home so you can survey the damage. The huge load in the back & wet leggings and leotard is creating a cameltoe. She invites you to fee

  • 00:09:36
  • Oct 19, 2024
  • 20

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