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dungeon toilet slave vr feat astrodomina

Hello my little toilet slave.. you had better get ready to serve my ass today, I ve got a load for you!

NOTE: This is a stereoscopic 3D VR video! Make sure you have compatible goggles to watch it and get the full immersive experience!

Goddess Sydney has put you exactly where you belong. She s chained you up, right under her toilet seat in her dark, subterranean dungeon. Nobody is going to save you. You have only one choice now - to serve as her perfect, submissive toilet slave. But first, she wants to make sure you re in the proper headspace, so she s going to do some special exercises with you to make sure you re ready to consume whatever she wants to give you. Remember, you re nothing but a receptacle for her, as disgusting waste eater.

Once she deems you ready, after degrading you and reminding you exactly what you are, she s starting to feel something rumble deep in her guts. What is it? Oh that s going to be your lunch of course. But that s you re new purpose

  • 00:13:35
  • Oct 10, 2024
  • 109


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