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dominicans don t play

Hey everyone! Preston here, bringing you this week s Bangbus update. This we got the crew the back with us. Shaggy, Smokey and I are all chilling out, talking about Shaggy s financial problems but man, we run into this hot little dominican mama on the way to the mall and damn this mami is banging - tits, ass, everything you dream off in a woman.. So I peep her out and I approach her and we start talking. She seems as skeptical as all the other that see the van but as usual once we pull out the cash, they get a lot nicer to us...even to ugly ass Shaggy lol. Poor guy. Anywho, I convince her to come with us and man this girl looks even better without clothes.. Shaggy sure did his thing on this update..LUCKY SOB! Guys, I hope you enjoy this update as much as I did. Stay Tuned!!!!!

  • 01:26:42
  • Jan 05, 2010
  • 505


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