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dominating flavia between tickling and bastinado

Flavia is lying on her stomach and her ankles and wrists are bound. She is wearing pajamas and has a vague notion of the sensations we will cause her.
We started with our hands touching her body gently. She reacts with small twitches to our touch. Soon, M02 starts tickling her belly and armpit. I start to inflict some pain.
Flavia absorbs the blows I throw at the soles of her feet well. M02 also spanks her ass. Amidst the pain we tickle him on the soles of his feet and on his belly. Each time the whip hits her soles hard, she moans, but it denotes pleasure in feeling this pain. And so we are testing Flavia, between tickling and bastinado.

  • 00:18:21
  • Oct 09, 2024
  • 84


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