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intense kisses on a sexy night!

As soon as Gabriela entered the party, I couldn t take my eyes off her. She was beautiful, smiling at everyone, so sexy! I decided at that moment that she would be mine tonight.

I started talking to her and it didn t take me long to realize that she was interested too!

I noticed an empty, dark balcony in another room, and I went ahead so as not to draw too much attention. As soon as I arrived, I lubricated my lips and when Gabi arrived, we grabbed each other and were finally able to kiss!

Wet mouths and agile tongues, we began to absorb each other s tastes and swallow each other s drool while our glued mouths dictated the rhythm of the kisses!

And so the night went by and dawn arrived, but our mouths didn t separate and our electric bodies still had much more to share!

  • 00:15:46
  • Oct 07, 2024
  • 28


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