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golden shower on toilet slave pov

This clip is for an audience that craves pissing, golden showers, and watersports fantasies, blending both toilet domination and golden shower elements. The scene begins with the WC slave entering the bathroom, wearing a mask and gag, to which a toilet brush is attached. His task is to thoroughly clean the toilet while being observed and guided by his Domina.

Dressed in a shiny black PVC dress, the Domina closely supervises her obedient slave, correcting his actions as he tries his best to meet her standards. At one point, the Domina lifts her dress, revealing she’s only wearing fishnet stockings underneath—no panties.

Suddenly, she starts peeing on her slave s head, while the camera positioned inside the toilet captures every detail from a unique POV angle. From this angle, it feels as if you are positioned right beneath the slave, experiencing the sensation of being pissed on as well. Throughout this, the WC slave continues cleaning the toilet with the brush in his mout

  • 00:04:08
  • Dec 23, 2024
  • 27

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