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on the road again!

What s up fellas!! Another great episode of the Bangbus. Today we were tired of all of the bullshit around the beach so we decided to head out to the beautiful city of Aventura Fl, If you guys are not from around here, let me tell you that Aventura is full of some preppy upper class pussy. I really do not care where i get my pussy but i wouldn t mind getting some head from a cute preppy chick i found near a mall. So there I go, Big Lou and my boy Colton came up for the ride and we just cruised around town looking to get that special pussy. We did some rounds around the mall and found this pretty Blondie named Bonnie It wasn t that dificult to get her on the bus, I think this chick was out looking for some out town dick, anyways i pulled up and i offered money she came in and all we did was be really polite to her ...I would be like, show me your tits and shit. but like a gentleman. She took off her bra and i started to question the fact that her tits looked a little fake, she kept denying it and kept trying to see more of her pretty body. After more money she was ok to give Colton a Blow job and after that it was really easy. She starts with flashing her small perky breasts and graduates to walking around totally nude with her pussy showing. After she sucked and fucked Colton s cock like a professional and let us look all of her ass ets we droved her up to the ghetto just to show her how good she has it and we dropped her off right there. It was really fun to get some preppy girl to suck on some mean cock...Enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
  • Sep 11, 2007
  • 110


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