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scents and the city (of embarrassment)

The scent of lavender and vanilla hung in the air, a sweet scent to my nostrils. I had entered Essenze & Delizie with the intention of buying a scented candle for the bedroom, but now the only aroma I could perceive was the much more pungent one coming from my intestines.
I had this problem, you see. An embarrassing disorder, which made my social life a minefield. My flatulence was not discreet, oh no. It was loud, brazen, capable of silencing a crowded room. And the smell... well, it was better not to describe it.
I tried to control myself, of course. Strict diet, miraculous herbal teas, exercises worthy of a Tibetan monk. But sometimes, my body decided to do its own thing, emitting sounds that would make a trucker blush.
Like in that moment, precisely. I was standing in front of the candle rack, torn between Sea Breeze and Cherry Blossom, when I heard the sinister rumble. A shiver of terror ran down my spine. No, not here, not now.
But it was too late. A deep ru

  • 00:10:01
  • Oct 08, 2024
  • 33


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