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fapping for our vietnamese exchange student cindy starfall - joi

Your Vietnamese exchange student is so grateful for the hospitality you and your family have shown her. She has chosen to use the American name of Cindy. She is still learning about America and she has a lot more to learn. There are some slang words that she is confused about and she hopes you can help her a little. What does fapping mean, anyway? You show her the jerk off gesture and she understands instantly what that means. Do you do that? It is something that she is fascinated with and she wants to know if you would do it for her. As her temporary step-brother, you want to make sure she feels at home. You show her your cock and she is impressed with the size. She asks to touch it and you don t even have to think about it. Cindy loves the feel of it in her hand and she has never seen one as large as yours before. She asks you if she can watch you do it to yourself and you happily comply with her request. Do you want to see what is underneath Cindy s shirt and bra? She tells you th

  • 00:11:25
  • Dec 18, 2023
  • 202


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