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jazmine cashmere: maid to service

When I checked in last night, the clerk at the front desk told me that the maid cleaned the rooms daily. I already knew this, because I travel a lot for my business. I ve slept in all kinds of hotels, motels, inns, bed & breakfasts you name it. So I know the average chamber maid is usually some old wrinkly lady who just comes into your room while your asleep, tidies up and brings you fresh towels. But sometimes life has a way of bringing you a little twist, because this motel wasn t like all the other ones. I came to the realization when I woke up this morning and found the chamber maid was sucking my cock. It wasn t a run of the mill chamber maid either, she was young and tight, she had her big round ass in my face and I could see smell her hot pussy. She was wet and she wanted to fuck. As soon as she saw that I woke up she stormed out of the room and went back to cleaning like nothing happened. Things got freaky though when I got up. I told her that I wanted her to finish what she started and that’s how we go to fuckin

  • 00:00:00
  • May 29, 2008
  • 293


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