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ogasm from hell

Alice deserves a reward for being so good but she has to learn that pleasure can also be punished. Alice has to get herself ready for her mistress to play with her, putting on all of her toys. Mistress Margo will then play with Alice pussy (and ass) by gently rubbing her while she is wearing her clamps and the hitachi while Alice still sucks on her dildo. Once Alice has cum she will lie down and Mistress Margo will get on top of her so she can focus on her pussy. Mistress Margo will make Alice cum as many times as possible and everytime Alice is cumming Margo will punish her with her beautiful ass and pussy. The idea is to have Alice cum so many times and tease her with post orgasm punish that it becomes too much and she begs for mercy so she understands pleasure can be a punishment too!

  • 00:30:54
  • Oct 05, 2024
  • 24


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