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fuck team melrose -- in stands near you --

What happens when you give Melrose a Fuck Team 5 makeover? The answer is Tory Lane, London Keyes, and Madison Ivy all over the motherfucking place!!!! And let it be known, these 3 sexy ass vixens walking through the Melrose strip are all the ingredients to an orgasmic splash!!! The total package of London Keyes along with her extreme antics, the full speed rush to the head of Tory Lane with those epic tits, and the all around sexual energy that is Madison Ivy takes the strip by storm. News stands included as they come up on the stand owner Antonio and his side kick/helper Ray Von, talk about the modern day Don Quixote and Sancho Panza. These girls proof they re just too much for the average buster on this one, taking over the workspace and fucking the daylights out of these cats, Fuck Team 5 Style. There s tape tying, wrapping, and plenty of that pussy action going on. Don t miss this one, it s the Fuck Team 5!!! Melrose edition.

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 19, 2009
  • 259


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