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mariah milano on the bus!

This week it was one of those boring rainy weeks. All the hot girls were either at home dry or being a real cooze. We couldn t find anybody cool to talk to or get to ride on the bus. Luckily we had a plan B. Mariah Milano was down in Miami this week and she told me that she was down for some debauchery and that she wanted to be on the bus. So I m like what could it hurt. Mariah has a great set of boobs, best nipples I ve ever had the pleasure of sucking. So we tested her out on some of the locals to see who she picks up. One guy, a schmuck, hanging around a phone store was our first victim for the day. He had a tiny penis, but Mariah sucked it anyway. Maybe she felt bad, but when it came to fucking he wasn t the right fit. The second guy a real douche ate her pussy out, but the fucker couldn t even get hard in front of Mariah. Maybe he was gay. Finally we found the third guy he really looked pathetic, he looked like the last time he saw a vagina was on the way out of his mothers womb. He should be thanking his lucky stars that he got to fuck a real porn star, because Mariah is all business when it comes to fucking. We dropped him off by the airport somewhere, and we made him take the bus home. Enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
  • Oct 21, 2008
  • 328


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