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Hey there ladies and gentlemen Preston here bringing you this weeks bangbus update and to be quite honest it was a really good one although mother nature wasn t acting in our favor, yet we still managed to do what we do. The gang and i accompanied by puck aka commando were strolling in the mean streets of the grove and we end up in this jungle place and we see this girl from a far walking in the rain and you guys know that she was a target right away so we approach her she seemed pretty cool and she didn t flip us the bird so i knew we were on a good direction here and why waste a golden opportunity so i ask her if she wants to come with us and as you guys know there is always a price to everything and she bit the bait and came with us, and you guys know what happens next, but you will be pleasantly surprised as to what goes on in this update...Till next time..Peace.

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 18, 2009
  • 262


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