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latin escort huge titties

So check homie the Pleaser was in town for some business, and the fool was stuck in his hotel room all day..So I decided to swing by and check what he was up to, we decide to call up some girls to chill with, he was in the mood for a sexy LATINA with BIG TITS and a smokin ass, being that we re in Miami..that was not a problem. A few minutes later this sexy little vixen name Evie walked threw the door and damn she was fine..she had a great rack and What an ass! Before my homie hit it, I spent some serious time worshiping that sexy body..her tits are incredible she bounced those round things rite in my face, I was in heaven..after I was done wit her, I passed her over to Julius, he banged her hard as fuck, her really made those big tits bounce..this episode is wild, Enjoy!!!

  • 00:00:00
  • May 16, 2007
  • 140


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