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the bangbus gets pulled over

The bus still roaming the streets of Miami in search of horny chicks in need of dough. This week we pull up on a college campus and pick ourselves one of them smart chicks. She wants to be a lawyer. Well what better way to defend the good than by knowing the bad. After a bit of convincing she hopped on. We got her naked just by flashing some cold hard cash in her face. These chicks always get wet wet when they see the money. We had her in the palm of our hand, Derrick was picking her down in the back of the bus when some dick cop pulled us over. He was a mega douche until he found out we were the BangBus. At this point he gave us props and let us ride. They fucking clueless chick still had no idea what was about to happen to her. After giving her pussy the pounding that it deserved and busting a giant load all over her face, it was time to have her face reality. That’s right, GET THE FUCK OUT HOE!!!

  • 00:58:39
  • Apr 11, 2017
  • 515


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