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paddle and cane - face

The silly brat again disobayed my orders! I will teach her a lesson with cane and paddle! I make her bend over a cube and lift her skirt. She only wears a thong panty. Bad for her. I know she hates the cane butshe deserves it. 25 strokes should be hopefully enough to make her commit to her house-chores. This is an agreed roleplay fantasy amongst adults. Every form of humiliation or sexual action/BDSM is prohibited! This scene doesnt represent the standpoint of Lovely Fetish how we think actual households shall be led. Model: Johnny, Lili Language: GER Subtitles: ENG Duration: 11:52min Spanking Intensity: Medium
The silly brat again disobayed my orders! I will teach her a lesson with cane and paddle! I make her bend over a cube and lift her skirt. She only wears a thong panty. Bad for her. I know she hates the cane butshe deserves it. 25 strokes should be hopefully enough to make her commit to her house-chores. This is an agreed roleplay fantasy amongst adults. Every form of humiliat

  • 00:11:47
  • Jul 17, 2022
  • 17


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