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i did such a good job studying duolingo broke into my house to fuck me - little puck

If you didn t already have a confusing and unnatural psychosexual attraction to a language learning app mascot then you will after this. I d been doing a good job on the app but work and life started getting in the way, no big deal, or so I thought. All the sudden my phone going crazy like it was possessed, Duo s threats to use the app were getting more and more insane, and I also never noticed how big Duo s tits were before then, but I was too freaked out to be horny. Then one night, the door of my bedroom started shaking like it was gonna tear off the hinges, the next thing I knew Duo and her gigantic threatening kitties were in the room, I was sure this was the end, before I knew it she was on me, I was already saying my prayers as she say she wanted to play, I was so scared and so... turned on... I didn t know what to do, then she grabbed me by the cock...

  • 00:31:31
  • Sep 28, 2024
  • 278


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