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nice load for nikki

Welcome back fellas. Today I called my friend Nikki and asked her to come over since I haven t seen her for a while. She got some changes on her body since the last time I saw her. Her boobs got bigger. Or it was my new wide angle camera lenses. Anyway. She came momentarily (I mean to my place). I talked to her about her life, what she ve been up to lately, what was new in her life, blah, blah, blah, shortly ... all this bullshit that I start all my movies with. She said that she wants to have some fun. Right now!!! So I had to come out with some idea how to satisfy her desires. All I could think of was sex. Lucky me she was thinking about it too. That girl with an amazing round ass and big heavy tits was having fun on the top of my cock big time. And as a reward for visiting me she got a nice creamy cum shot in her mouth in the best bigmouthfulls traditions. Enjoy!!!

  • 00:00:00
  • May 06, 2007
  • 104


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