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britney amber - training the secretary

Britney Amber s boss has been making her work late and it s starting to cause fights with her boyfriend. Her boss feels like she should be much more relaxed around him, and enjoy the time they spend working together. He even shows her the beautiful necklace he bought to show his appreciation. Since it s just them, and the building gets hot after hours, he suggests she dress down to get comfortable.

As they work, he comments on her seeming stressed. Maybe it is sexual tension and she masturbate to relieve the issue? Britney loses her temper, but her boss changes her mind, which goes blank as she makes herself cum repeatedly.

She finds herself uncontrollably aroused. She secretly tries to satisfy herself without him noticing, but he does.

He explains that he can help her with her sexual desperation but she refuses and is angry, until he helps her see things differently, and gives her the mindless orgasms she desperately needs.

He suggests that she s is not

  • 00:58:45
  • Sep 27, 2024
  • 93


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