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hand held fantasies - vol 3

Time for you to have some more POV quality time with my feet! Do my soles turn you on? Here s what we re getting up to in our adventures this time around:

1. As we flake out on the couch, I find my foot gently squeezed between your legs. Slowly, you slip off my thick, warm sock, revealing my soft bare sole. I can tell by the way your eyes light up that you love what you see. I know my foot probably looks ticklish after being wrapped in that cozy sock for so long, so I’m not surprised that you almost immediately go for a quick tickle … but if you behave yourself ill keep my foot rested right here on your crotch ?

2. You find me passed out in a bed, upstairs at an after party, and can’t resist slowly pulling the covers back, revealing my socked feet. You’re so excited I’m wearing socks! Now you get to slowly slip them off, inch my inch, until it’s just you and my soft, sensitive soles. The rush of the possibility that I could sir awake at any moment makes the whole situatio

  • 00:07:24
  • Sep 28, 2024
  • 26


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