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almost caught cheating so i fucked them both

Oh my god, today was crazy! My husband had a meeting at work so I invited my boyfriend over for a day of fucking. Then my husband forgot his meeting notes, came home to get them, and caught me with lingerie on. He believed I did it as a surprise for him and fucked me while my boyfriend hid under the bed. Hubby dumped a big load in my pussy then left so my stud of a boyfriend came out of hiding and fucked me some more. Sucking and fucking two cocks is such a great way to start my day! *** Why is our porn better? We use multiple 4K cameras with studio lighting and professionally edit each video to maximize the action and your enjoyment. It s professionally produced amateur porn. milf stella, cheating, cheating wife, cheats, cheat, two guys, cheater, adultery, boyfriend and husband, 2 guys, two men, 2 men, two cocks, 2 cocks, two dicks, 2 dicks, sloppy seconds, creampie, cumshot, wet and used, used pussy, freshly fucked, slut, lingerie, hardcore, stockings, amateur, role play, roleplay

  • 00:21:05
  • Jun 03, 2022
  • 146


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