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erotique entertainment - porn legends harmony rose and eric john passionately suck and fuck for the first time in unscripted orgasm filled oral, vaginal, anal, and foot fetish no limits sex adventure

Erotique Entertainment and Eric John proudly present the never-before-seen Real Sex Tapes of Harmony Rose and Eric John. Harmony makes love together with Eric passionately and joyfully using her hands, mouth, pussy, ass, and high heels.

From the time Erotique Entertainment was created by Eric John at the start of 2004, the essence has been capturing and presenting the unrestrained joy and beauty of pure real eXstasy.

“EXstasy…. presented Beautifully.”

Sometimes that manifests in elaborate multi-camera fantasy scenes, sometimes that magic is in fetish material, sometimes it explodes during amazing sex on a live broadcast….

Sometimes all it takes is a woman and a man experiencing each other fully with passion and intimacy.

Where you throw up a couple of hot lights and hand the camera back and forth to your friend helping to capture it for posterity.

This is the complete uncut Real Sex Tape of Harmony Rose and Eric John – unscripted, unplanned, an

  • 00:50:38
  • Oct 23, 2022
  • 145


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