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cute blondie gets tricked on the bus

In this weeks Bangbus Update were crusin around and we decide to hitup south beach for today s update wow the beach was packed with beauties with booties today but this one girl stood out she was blonde,sexy and she had her dog with her lol so I knew what angle to take to get her in this bus. We get to talking and we made it seem like we were doing some type of questionaire about dogs and what notso she comes and right away we swtich it up on her and let me tell you guys that money talk and bullshit walks and she was quite takative if you know what I mean! so she was down for whatever we wanted to do ofcourse some cas persuasion elped but this girl was a true gem. I hope you all enjoy this update I sure did.

  • 00:48:36
  • Jun 17, 2014
  • 288


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