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she gets more than she bargained for

Here at Bangbus HQ, we are all about helping out the ladies... helping them get FUCKED AND TOSSED ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD THAT IS!!! Hahaaaa! We creep up on the come up, and find ourselves a fine piece of pussy in distress once again. Her name is Ayn Marie, and she needed some help getting her car bumper fixed or some sort of bullshit like that. We roll with it, just like we always do... and before she knows it she is getting money thrown at her face and dick in her mouth! Hell yeah! This petite sweetie had the tightest lil pink gash I ve ever seen. Goddamn I loved watching those perky natural tits of hers bounce up and down as she was drilled hard with raw dong! Hardcore amateur chicks getting railed by a bunch of Miami scumbags aka BANG FUCKING BUS BITCHES! YEAGH!!!

  • 00:49:39
  • Jan 06, 2015
  • 428


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