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ubus driving service

Its a gosh darn miracle boys, JESUS CAME UP WITH A PLAN. No, not that Jesus, our up to no good driver was able to swipe his brothers telephone, who happens to be a driver for a company that we can’t mention. Lets just say its an app that gives you rides. So we impersonated a U**r driver and picked up this sexy tourist named Alexis. She was hesitant at first but after giving her the documentary story, and offering her a small discount on the ride she accepted the deal, hook line and sinker. We had Peter on the bus pretending to be another customer, this dumb broad fell for it quick. Shit escalated quickly after some more deals were offered her tits were out in the open and she had her mouth full of meat. Things got wild after that, she got pounded hard we left her dumb ass stranded. I like this plan, you guys might see it again. Enjoy

  • 00:46:30
  • Jun 14, 2016
  • 387


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