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3 rounds, 2 bootys & 1 champ w/ eva taylor & jessica marie

We got one vanilla botty (Jessica Marie) & one chocolate booty (Eva Taylor). It s another perfect afternoon at Bang Bros and here at Ass Parade we love love love ASS! Especially when it shakes and bounces up and down for the camera. I d like to point out that our vanilla booty looks a lil like Jessica Simpson. A small resemblance maybe? You gota love that! We meet up with Champ at the beach in this episode and he s with two fine pieces of culo when we get there. South Beach is the place for robust asses for sure and we have two of the largest chunky butts this side of the Miami river. After a lil fun and frivolity out on the beach we take the booty appreciation back to the house. Champ prides him self in giving the girls exactly what they want. So when our Eva Taylor asks for it harder Champ is well to please the little lady. Eva Taylor steals the show when she cums and cums all the while demanding that Champ knock her out !! Booty, booty, booty rocking everywhere!!

  • 00:30:09
  • Jan 02, 2011
  • 333


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