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lauderdale moves

We are hunting out there, and i mean we are going everywhere to make sure all of those crazy, slutty, mean, depraved, pretty, smart, and in fact ALL SEXY WOMEN!! we want them in the bus.. Period!!. This week i was hanging out with Big Lou and Ray Ray . We were out in FT Lauderdale, trying once again to catch something before summer s end. We went around fucking with the people in the streets..Ya all know how we do. It was really hot and we decided to drive by the beach area. We found this pretty brunette and she flashed her perky tits. I think it was only the fact that it was so damn hot and this girl wanted to put out a show. I gave her a hundred and when she flashed again Big Lou accelerated and she couldn t get pay, We went around doing this the whole afternoon, just trying these girls and they taking the bait. At last we found this chick from out of town named Jayla . We did the usual and got her in the bus. By the time we offered more money this girl was sucking on Ray s cock. She had a smile on her face the entire time she s sucking cock and getting stuffed with Ray s huge dick, it was just the perfect end for our little adventure around Lauderdale. This is one of those days when anything goes..You just have to make the moves.

  • 00:00:00
  • Aug 21, 2007
  • 131


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