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pretty amateur fucked after a crash

In this weeks bangbus were out doing what we do but this we bring you an oldie and I mean that with the utmost respect lol JMAC!! is back in this mug and he is ready to take down whatever comes his way (Granny s ya ll aint safe) lol any who we come a cross this little garage sale and decide to hit it up and we literallly run over all there parked merchandise lol but with all travesty comes some good there was a cutie there selling her goods but man we had to deal with her granda she was really her aunt but she looked old enough and it just ticked her off evertime that i called her granny! anywho she made us responsible for the damaged goods and actually made sure that we pay asked her niece to come with us to a nearby ATM...All in all we ve got an instant classic in todays update and you guys are going to love it.

  • 00:47:33
  • Aug 12, 2014
  • 676


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