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Are you ready for another adventure with the one and only Marko, at the helm of our beloved form of transportation and degridation - the Almighty BANG BUS?...Well pack your shit and let s ride fools...We cranked things bringing one of our homies, might remember him... when we picked his ass up, to get busy with one of our ladies on the we brought him along for his first ride with Marko behind the wheel...We decide to go down to Lil Havana...where the Latin Hoochies live in the look for an unsuspecting little hottie to clarify a discussion me an Marko were having...which went as follows...The art of Tea Bagging...and where do your balls get placed...I myself am positive that you should place your beans on the victim s forehead...While my less-sexually deviant driver believes the proper location is in the mouth...You know we had to get this one right...So we find this little cutie walking around Cuban town wearing a Puerto Rican Flag T-shirt...that s a call for the wild here in we offered her some money to educate us on her neighborhood and such. Conversation got interesting as she told us about her fuck buddies and we thought it d be a good time to bring up the tea bagging debate. Well, Melissa had never even heard of it, but she agreed with Marko. And what did she get for disagreeing with an expert? That s right -- Bobby s big ol balls all over her forehead. Little did we know that she would try to put his dick in her mouth! Melissa was on fire! She started sucking his dick and forgot about our interview. What followed was some hard fucking with Melissa s big round ass bouncing all over our van. Fuckin Bobby didn t impress her though. She was pretty upset that she didn t get to cum! We kicked his ass out and let Marko take over and show her how we really do it on the BANG BUS!

  • 00:00:00
  • Dec 27, 2005
  • 230


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