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your foot mistress feat astrodomina

Loyal foot boys get rewarded from time to time by being allowed to worship my pretty feet..

You are Goddess Sydney s loyal foot boy, you live to serve her wherever she goes. Today she s planning on taking a bath so you are obediently waiting for her in the bathroom on your knees. She comes in and looks down at you then suddenly remembers, oh yes, she had promised to all you to worship her feet. Well, now is as good a time as any, right foot bitch?

She sits and shoves the soles of her feet in your face, noticing just how much of an effect they have on you. There s a little bit rough but she knows you don t care, you would do anything to serve them. She decides to play a little jerk off game with you - she will allow you to worship, but you re going to have to follow her instructions exactly or she ll take her feet away from you!

Obviously you had better do what she says. She loves how much control her feet have over you, and there s nothing you can do about it! You

  • 00:11:27
  • Sep 24, 2024
  • 52


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