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hairy ass to be shaved carefully

My name is Nicoletta and I am a hairy woman. I am not talking about a light down, but a real fur that covers a large part of my body.
I still remember the teasing at school, the prying glances on the street, the comments whispered behind my back. I tried everything to get rid of that hair: painful waxing, nauseating-smelling depilatory creams, razors that left my skin irritated and full of cuts. But nothing seemed to work, the hair grew back thicker and darker.
Over time, I learned to accept my body as it is. I stopped hiding, being ashamed. I started wearing clothes that made me feel comfortable, even if they let my hair show. I discovered that true beauty does not lie in perfection, but in the uniqueness of each of us.
Watch in this video the thick hair of my asshole while I shave myself with a razor and make it really special for you.
Of course, it s not always easy. There are still moments when I feel insecure, when I wish I were like everyone else. But then I look in t

  • 00:06:12
  • Sep 19, 2024
  • 17


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