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Moans escaped both their lips as she savored the feel of his firm flesh in her grasp. He groaned as she continued to work her magic, his need for release building with each stroke. As she lowered herself onto him, her body trembling with pleasure, he grunted in approval. She rode him hard, her hips grinding against his with an animalistic ferocity. Their bodies moved in unison, sweat drenching them both as they surrendered to their carnal desires. As their climax approached, his moans growing louder. His hands grasped her hips, urging her closer as he felt himself reaching the peak of pleasure. She rode him with abandon, her body shaking as she neared her own release. Finally, they both reached the pinnacle of pleasure, their bodies convulsing in a frenzied dance. She collapsed into his arms, her heart racing as she basked in the afterglow of their passion. As he gently caressed her skin, they both knew that they had just experienced something truly unforgettable.

  • 00:18:04
  • Sep 16, 2024
  • 44


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