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tiffanirox first big fat cock

Tiffani Rox was bragging about how she only likes to take in 9 inch cocks. She said that anything below that would be a waste of her time. So then I told her about Castro and his big cock. Well, She thought I was bluffing until she got her first look. He just walked in a wham! Pulls out the big monster. Tiffani couldn t believe her eyes and her mouth just dropped as if her brain was already gauging the massive girth and measuring how wide she would have to open her mouth to put it inside. After the shock and awe wore off she couldn t wait to stuff that thirteen inch Salami down her throat and in her warm wet pussy.
This will promise to be an exciting episode as Castro Supreme pounds the shit out of Tiffani Rox and shows her the true meaning of The Big Fat Cock.

  • 00:00:00
  • Feb 05, 2007
  • 163


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