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custom girlfriend experience morning routine

Order note :!She is lying naked in bed, cosily wrapped up. He (only the camera, so actually a solo) looks at her, she wakes up and slowly exposes herself by slowly pushing away the duvet and lolling on the bed, then she looks at the camera. Good morning, Detlev, glad you re here already! Do you fancy a coffee? She gets up, he (the camera) lies down in bed and watches as she strolls to the buffet and prepares the coffee (or something else, I m interested in the movements while preparing something like coffee, naked, from the side and especially from behind). She moves back and forth a little so that you can observe her beautiful body from as many sides as possible. Don t exaggerate, it should go with making coffee. Then she comes back to the bed with the two cups: ‘Oh, Detlev, it tastes better cold anyway, I ll come to you’, lies down in bed, kisses him and looks deep into his eyes (camera), then she says: ‘Detlev, I love you’ and pulls the duvet over the camera and over her head/body

  • 00:10:47
  • Sep 17, 2024
  • 18


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